We will work with you to create an action plan that identifies the steps needed to ensure your estate transitions effectively to your beneficiaries. We will look at the tax implications, insurance vehicles, and various aspects of your estate, and work with you to maximize the value you’re transferring to your heirs.

Another consideration for your estate planning is your protection should you be incapacitated. You can grant Power of Attorney (POA) to the person you trust to make decisions for you, should you not be able to make them for yourself.

Will my estate be hit by a whopping tax bill?

Will my beneficiaries get everything I leave for them?

What will happen if I become mentally incapacitated?

If you don’t have the answers to these questions, we can help.

Return to our Seven Disciplines of Planning


Ready for an Exceptional Experience?

203-791 Goldstream Ave., Victoria, BC V9B 2X5

tel: 250.590.8481

fax: 250.590.8350


Exceptional Wealth Management Canada

203-791 Goldstream Ave, Victoria


Manulife Wealth